Dreamer's Hell

This movie was created for the end group project of module 1 of Creative Technology. The task was to create an interactive movie where the viewer can make decisions that influence the story. My group decided on making a horror movie which plays with the concept of dreams and reality. The film questions how we decide what is real and what is imaginary. The choices the viewer can make create a feeling of control which then get challenged  through the storyline. This way, the viewer has to question what to believe and on what facts they want to base their decisions. I took over the task of video editing, part of the filming and writing and I starred in the film itself.

Dark forest scene with a person in a red cloak
(click on image to watch the film)

This film is about how a normal student is suddenly being terrorized by weird nightmares. And once life's resemblance to the nightmare gets creepily accurate the line between dream and reality starts to blur. Can you help them make the right decisions?